The Terra DC wall charger can be applied to a wide variety of use cases. Thanks to its ultra-compact design and high-voltage charging, it is a future-proof investment that supports current and future electric vehicles.

In all our charging units, we provide the opportunity to create and connect their own systems, thanks to the integration of the B-CHARGE Network Operator Software in line with the commercial and individual activities of our customers. We offer a reliable, secure, cost-effective and future-proof connectivity solution based on open industry interfaces.


All models; complies with all relevant international standards, including the mandatory EMC Class B norm for positioning residences, offices, shopping malls, gas stations, authorized services and all private businesses in their own locations.

At Home

Detached houses, apartments and public housing

Shopping Malls, Business Centers, Hotels and Restaurants/Cafes

At Work

Small and large offices, business centres and complexes

Fuel Stations

In Commercial Areas

From hotels to sports facilities and shopping malls

In Public Spaces

While on the street or parking

  • 24 kW 60 A DC fast charging station; CCS2 outputs, CCS2 output voltage: 150-900 V
  • IP 54, IK10 and emergency stop button in all versions, 7” LCD with touch screen
  • WI-FI, Bluetooth, Ethernet, 3G/4G, RFID card reader
  • Controllable, programmable, remote updateable via smartphone app
  • Authentication and payment available
  • Can be integrated into smart home systems, site management systems
  • Meeting the management and control needs of the charging point owner with the necessary connection and operational software support for commercial use
  • Charging station control and programming with smartphone app for individual applications
24 kW Mini DC Tek CCS2
  • 2 outputs as CC2 and CHAdeMO
  • CCS2 output voltage: 150-900 V
  • CHAdeMO output voltage: 150-500 V
  • IP 54, IK10 and emergency stop button in all versions, 7” LCD with
    touch screen
  • WI-FI, Bluetooth, Ethernet, 3G/4G, RFID card reader
  • Communication protocol OCPP 1.5 / 1.6 / 2.0
  • Controllable, programmable, remote updateable via smartphone app
  • Authentication and payment available
  • Can be integrated into smart home systems, site management systems
  • Meeting the management and control needs of the charging point owner with the necessary connection and operational software support for commercial use
  • Charging station control and programming with smartphone app for individual applications
24 kW Mini DC CCS2-CHAdeMO-1200